
Holiday Houseguest Checklist

Holiday Houseguest Checklist

‘Tis the season for out-of-town guests, whether they’re staying overnight or for an entire week. While you’re making preparations for all the upcoming festivities, don’t forget to prep… Read more ⇢
5 Reasons to Sell Your Home During the Holidays

5 Reasons to Sell Your Home During the Holidays

If you’re thinking about selling your home, chances are you’ve been told that the end of the year is a terrible time to do it. You’ve likely heard… Read more ⇢
What Is Escrow?

What Is Escrow?

If you’re buying a home, you are going to come across this word many times during the process – escrow. If you’re a first time homebuyer, you may… Read more ⇢
Great Pets for Small Homes

Great Pets for Small Homes

Do you have dreams of bringing home a new best friend, but you think your place is just too small? Do you wish you could have a Saint Bernard,… Read more ⇢
Spotting a Serious Home Buyer

Spotting a Serious Home Buyer

One of the frustrations you may encounter when selling your home is dealing with people who may not be serious about buying. Perhaps they’re just testing the waters… Read more ⇢
Credit Score No-Nos

Credit Score No-Nos

An important part of buying a house is getting your financial life in order. One reason is that the higher your credit score, the better rate you’ll secure… Read more ⇢
Big Luxury on a Small Budget

Big Luxury on a Small Budget

You don’t have to be a billionaire to enjoy a little luxury. With some smart choices and a bit of imagination, you can live a champagne lifestyle on… Read more ⇢
Decorating with Family Heirlooms

Decorating with Family Heirlooms

We understand the dilemma – you absolutely love the handmade patchwork quilt you inherited from your grandmother, but it really doesn’t go well with your Mid-century Modern décor. Read more ⇢
Get Your Garden Ready for Winter

Get Your Garden Ready for Winter

Can you feel the chill in the air? Old Man Winter is on his way – which means it’s time to get your garden ready for the coming cold… Read more ⇢
Planning Your Cross-Country Move

Planning Your Cross-Country Move

There’s no doubt that daydreaming about your upcoming move to a new city on the other side of the country is exciting. Think of all the new things… Read more ⇢
New Story Builds Safe Homes

New Story Builds Safe Homes

Have you ever stopped to consider how important your home is to your safety and health? Did you ever think about the connection between the place where you live… Read more ⇢
Is a Townhouse Right For You?

Is a Townhouse Right For You?

If you’re in the market for a new home but aren’t sure you want a big yard to take care of, you’ve probably considered buying a townhouse. But do… Read more ⇢
Tips for a Safe Halloween

Tips for a Safe Halloween

Witches and goblins and ghosts, oh my! It’s almost time to hit the store and stock up on candy and treats for the neighborhood kids. Halloween trick-or-treating is one… Read more ⇢

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